Former Harvard Bell Fellow Philipp Hessel, PhD, and current faculty member Mauricio Avendano, PhD, are authors on a paper in Health Affairs that has found that male recipients of small cash transfers were less likely to report bad health and to be hospitalized. Learn more in this release.
To reduce maternal mortality, community cash transfers may be more effective than household
Harvard Pop Center faculty members Jessica Cohen, PhD, and Margaret McConnell, PhD, are authors on a paper published in Social Science & Medicine that examines the effectiveness of different types of cash transfer programs in reducing maternal mortality. The researchers suggest that both community and household cash transfer programs need to be better designed and implemented to maximize impact.
Deepening our understanding of how cash transfer programs can lower risk of HIV among adolescents in Africa
Harvard Pop Center Bell Fellow Molly Rosenberg, PhD, is an author on a paper published in Global Public Health that explores how cash transfer programs may work to delay sexual debut among Kenyan adolescents. The study explores three pathways in particular, including schooling, socio-economic status, and psycho-social status.