Former Harvard Bell Fellow Philipp Hessel, PhD, and current faculty member Mauricio Avendano, PhD, are authors on a paper in Health Affairs that has found that male recipients of small cash transfers were less likely to report bad health and to be hospitalized. Learn more in this release.
Economic downturns negatively impact future cognitive functioning of older U.S. workers
A study published in The Journals of Gerontology Series B by recent Harvard Bell Fellow Philipp Hessel, Pop Center Director Lisa Berkman, and faculty member Mauricio Avendano has found exposure to economic downturns among U.S. workers approaching retirement age to be associated with decreased cognitive functioning later in life. Longer periods of exposure to downturns were found to be associated with lower levels of functioning.
Europeans exposed to economic downturn during their 40s may face poorer health later in life
A study published in the European Journal of Public Health by Harvard Pop Center Bell Fellow Philipp Hessel, PhD, and former Bell Fellow and current faculty member Mauricio Avendano, PhD, examines the impact of economic downturns experienced during early and mid adulthood on late-life (55-80) health.
Does retirement really lead to worse health? A closer look at women & men in Europe
Although it has been suggested that retirement can be bad for your health, Harvard Pop Center Bell Fellow Philip Hessel, PhD has taken a look at longitudinal data using an instrumental variables approach and his findings, published in Social Science & Medicine, suggest otherwise. Positive effects of retirement on health were found to exist for low as well as high educated men and women.
What does income inequality do to our health?
Current Harvard Bell Fellow Philipp Hessel, PhD, and former Bell Fellow and current faculty Mauricio Avendano, PhD, are authors on a Commentary published in the European Journal of Epidemiology in which they join the conversation about what income inequality does to our health.
Social participation benefits health, & better health benefits social participation
Harvard Pop Center Bell Fellow Philipp Hessel, PhD, has co-authored a study published in Ageing & Society that sheds light on the reciprocal relationship between health and social participation based on evidence from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE).