Taking a closer look at the psychosocial stressors that are thought to affect health and mortality

Heavy set woman sitting on a bench

A study focused on middle-aged and older Americans by Harvard Pop Center postdoctoral fellow Justin Rodgers, faculty members David R. Williams, Ichiro Kawachi, and S V Subramanian, along with their colleague Adolfo G. Cuevas, sheds light on the eight behavioral, biological, and psychological pathways commonly thought to play a  role in the association between stress and health.

A closer look at discrimination and systemic inflammation, a key biomarker for stress-related illnesses

David R. Williams and Justin Rogers

Harvard Pop Center postdoctoral fellow Justin Rodgers, and faculty member David R. Williams are among the authors of a critical review and synthesis published in Brain, Behavior and Immunity that summarizes the literature about discrimination and inflammation, explains the recent findings, and offers recommendations for future research.

Does exposure to trauma explain lower rates of psychopathology among racial, ethnic minorities in the United States?

David R. Williams, a Harvard Pop Center faculty member, collaborated with a Harvard RWJF Health & Society Scholar program alumna and current Harvard faculty member Katie McLaughlin and colleagues in this study to shed light on whether exposure to trauma might be partly at play in explaining why racial and ethnic minorities have lower rates of psychopathology in the U.S.