How does the interaction of multiple life events, plus our age, affect our health?

Recent Bell Fellow Juli Simon Thomas, PhD, has published a study in the Longitudinal and Life Course Studies: International Journal. She finds that the negative health impacts of such disruptive events as divorce and job loss are worsened when they overlap (the more the events, the worse the health impacts) and these events take a greater toll on health when experienced at a later age.

Risk of divorce tied to division of labor

A new study published in the American Sociological Review by Harvard Pop Center’s faculty member Alexandra Killewald, PhD, suggests that division of labor may have more to do with predicting a couple’s risk of divorce than the money or material aspects of a marriage. In couples who wed after 1975, husbands who were not employed full-time faced a slightly higher chance of divorce. Learn more from livescience, CTV, AJC,, and