Recent Bell Fellow Juli Simon Thomas, PhD, has published a study in the Longitudinal and Life Course Studies: International Journal. She finds that the negative health impacts of such disruptive events as divorce and job loss are worsened when they overlap (the more the events, the worse the health impacts) and these events take a greater toll on health when experienced at a later age.
Education interrupted: Impacts of family disruption on children’s educational attainment
Recent Bell Fellow Juli Simon Thomas, PhD, has authored a paper that confirms that disruptive events within a family, such as parental loss/gain of job/partner lowered the chances of their children completing high school, attending college and finishing college, and more significantly contributes new insight into the increased negative effects of multiple events within a 2-year period.
Paper by Bell Fellow Juli Simon Thomas Earns Her Status as Finalist for 2015 Kanter Award
Harvard Bell Fellow Juli Simon Thomas, PhD, is co-author on a paper that is one of five finalists (out of 2,500 articles published in 2014) for the Rosabeth Moss Kanter Award for Excellence in Work-Family Research. The paper, “Job Displacement among Single Mothers: Effects on Children’s Outcomes in Young Adulthood,” was published in the American Journal of Sociology. Congratulations to Juli on being a finalist for this international award!