Aging, HIV-positive adults in South Africa are a growing segment of the population. A study by HAALSI researchers, including project director and lead author, Julia Rohr, PhD, takes a first look at how this understudied population is progressing along the care continuum known as an HIV treatment cascade (a popular, step-by-step model of care that tracks an patient starting with initial diagnosis all the way to the achievement of viral…
HAALSI website focuses on health of aging population of South African community
In Sub-Saharan Africa, the overall gains in life expectancy due to socioeconomic and health improvements—as well as the scale-up of antiretroviral treatment (ART)—have meant that adults are now experiencing the onset of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases at unforeseen levels, with projections of rates to more than double over the next 20 years. Funded by a grant from the National Institute on Aging, the HAALSI (Health and Aging in Africa: A Longitudinal…
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Applying regression discontinuity in epidemiology; a study on when to start HIV treatment
Harvard Pop Center faculty member Till Bärnighausen, MD, has co-authored an article published in Epidemiology in response to a commentary on their previous study that explores applying regression discontinuity designs in epidemiology published in the September issue of the journal.
Communication and HIV Treatment
Jeffrey Bingenheimer, former Pop Center RWJF Health & Society scholar, studies the role of communication in AIDS control.