Harvard Pop Center researchers, including visiting scientist and former fellow Mariana Arcaya and faculty members SV Subramanian, and Mary C. Waters are authors on a study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology that found that when families were given an option to move out of a high-poverty neighborhood and move to a low-poverty neighborhood, those families with a sick child were less likely to take advantage of the opportunity…
To better understand impact of context on health, exploring multiple contexts simultaneously might help
In a study published in Health & Place, co-authors Harvard Pop Center affiliated faculty members Tracy Richmond, MD, and SV Subramanian (Subu), PhD, examined the effect of neighborhood and schools on smoking behavior in adolescents. The contexts were examined one at a time, as well as simultaneously, and the results suggest that cross-classified multilevel modeling (CCMM) — evaluating multiple contexts simultaneously– may lead to more accurate results.
Foreclosures contribute to the obesity epidemic
Neighborhood foreclosures are associated with local population weight gain finds Pop Center faculty members, Maria Glymour, Ichiro Kawachi and SV Subramanian, and Pop Center research scientist, Mariana Arcaya, in their recent study published in the American Journal of Public Health.