In August, Dr. Donna Spiegelman attended the Joint Statistical Meetings in Chicago, IL to give an invited talk entitled “Estimation and inference for the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio for censored survival data”, work with Drs. Molin Wang and Polyna Khudyakov in the Department. A week later she attended the Global Partnerships to Advance NCD Research conference at Emory University in Atlanta, GA with postdoctoral fellow, Archana Shrestha to lead a workshop, “Implementation Science: The what, why, and how.” Later in August, Dr. Spiegelman attended an invited workshop in Banff, Alberta, Canada on Newest Developments and Urgent Issues in Measurement Error and Latent Variable Problems and gave an invited talk on “Generalized methods-of-moments estimation and inference for the validation of multiple imperfect measures”, joint work with Samuela Pollack, Walter Willett, Eric Rimm and Andrea Chomistek of the Nutrition Department. On August 22nd Dr. Spiegelman attended the NIDA CTN-0069 Emergency Department Opioid Study Data and Safety Monitoring Board Review in Rockville, MD.
In September, Dr. Donna Spiegelman attended the 28th Annual International Society for Environment Epidemiology Conference in Rome, Italy, where she presented a highlighted poster on “Survival analysis with measurement error in a cumulative exposure variable: radon progeny in relation to lung cancer mortality.”, joint work with Polyna Khudyakov and Xiaomei Liao of the Department, Jonathan Samet of the Keck School of Medicine, Charles Wiggins of the University of New Mexico, and Angela Meisner of the New Mexico Tumor Registry. Dr. Spiegelman was an invited to present at the NIH/NCI Implementation Science Forum in Rockville, MD. Her presentation was titled “Towards a unified methodology of study design and statistical analysis for causal inference in implementation science.”
Epidemiology Postdoctoral fellow, Daniel Nevo, recently had a publication, “On Bayesian robust regression with diverging number of predictors” accepted into the Electronic Journal of Statistics, with Ya’acov Ritov of the University of Michigan.
Donna’s recently published articles:
Evaluating Public Health Interventions: 4. The Nurses’ Health Study and Methods for Eliminating Bias Attributable to Measurement Error and Misclassification. Spiegelman D. Am J Public Health. 2016 Sep;106(9):1563-6. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2016.303377.
Diet Assessment Methods in the Nurses’ Health Studies and Contribution to Evidence-Based Nutritional Policies and Guidelines.
Hu FB, Satija A, Rimm EB, Spiegelman D, Sampson L, Rosner B, Camargo CA Jr, Stampfer M, Willett WC.
Am J Public Health. 2016 Sep;106(9):1567-72. doi:
10.2105/AJPH.2016.303348. Epub 2016 Jul 26.
A new measure of between-studies heterogeneity in meta-analysis. Crippa A, Khudyakov P, Wang M, Orsini N, Spiegelman D.
Stat Med. 2016 Sep 20;35(21):3661-75. doi: 10.1002/sim.6980. Epub 2016 May 10.
Evaluating Public Health Interventions: 3. The Two-Stage Design for Confounding Bias Reduction-Having Your Cake and Eating It Two. Spiegelman D, Rivera-Rodriguez CL, Haneuse S.
Am J Public Health. 2016 Jul;106(7):1223-6. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2016.303250.