Department Goals
In conjunction with the school’s Office of Diversity & Inclusion, and with the help of a cultural assessment from an independent consulting group, the department has identified the following priorities for the 2023-2024 year:
2023-2024 Academic Year Goals
Leadership & Institutional Systems
- We will conduct a comprehensive review of the qualifying exam from an EDIB perspective. For the review, we will reach out to current students, alumni and faculty.
Learning Culture at Harvard Chan School:
- Host 1-2 events for the department around diversity and inclusion. These events will be held via Biostats Diversity and Inclusion Group (BDIG) and the group will implement the practice of starting every event with stating the purpose and intention of group. A specific workshop we will organize is an inclusive teaching workshop.
Diversity of Our People & Their Success:
- Implement opportunities to provide mentorship for groups to promote belonging and inclusion. Create spaces where students can connect with peers and/or faculty members to have conversations and seek out guidance.
Click here to see a list of the department’s ongoing goals.