Faculty Awards in 2015

 Professor Franziska Michor won a 2015 Vilcek Prize for Creative Promise in Biomedical Science. Michor was chosen for her research that fuses evolutionary biology, mathematics, and clinical research toward a … Continue reading “Faculty Awards in 2015”

Rose Traveling Fellowship

Congratulations to our Spring 2015 Fellows:  Arielle Anglin | Masters of Science Candidate in Biostatistics Advisor – David Wypij Brief Project Description: Improving Surveillance and Anlysis of Noncommunicable Diseases and … Continue reading “Rose Traveling Fellowship”

Highly Cited Researchers 2015

Thomson Reuter’s Highly Cited Researchers 2015 represents some of world’s most influential scientific minds. About three thousand researchers earned this distinction by writing the greatest number of reports officially designated … Continue reading “Highly Cited Researchers 2015”

MCAPS Retreat

On Friday August 7, a group of faculty, post doctoral fellows and students participated in a retreat for the Medicare Air Pollution Study, entitled Data Science in Environmental Health. The retreat is an … Continue reading “MCAPS Retreat”