Professor Franziska Michor won a 2015 Vilcek Prize for Creative Promise in Biomedical Science. Michor was chosen for her research that fuses evolutionary biology, mathematics, and clinical research toward a better understanding of cancer genesis and treatments. The Vilcek Foundation honors the contributions of foreign-born scholars and artists living in the U.S.
Associate Professor Curtis Huttenhower was named winner of the 2015 Overton Prize from the International Society for Computational Biology. Huttenhower was chosen for his groundbreaking research on microbial communities, with a focus on the human microbiome. The Overton prize is the top junior faculty award in bioinformatics, and recognizes early or mid-career scientists who are emerging leaders for their accomplishments in research, education, and service.
The University of Milano-Bicocca awarded an honorary degree in Biostatistics to Marcello Pagano, Professor of Computational Statistics, “for having significantly contributed to progress and innovation in biostatistics in epidemiological research and public health”. Marcello delivered a lecture on “Biostatistics in Modern Society”
Francesca Dominici, Professor of Biostatistics and Senior Associate Dean for Research, has been selected as the 2015 winner of the Florence Nightingale David award, sponsored jointly by COPSS and the Caucus for Women in Statistics. Francesca received the award for her research in biostatistics and public health.
Tyler VanderWeele‘s (PhD ’06) new book “Explanation in Causal Inference: Methods for Mediation and Interaction” was recently published by Oxford University Press. The book provides the first in-depth coverage of the topics of mediation and interaction from a causal inference perspective. The book was recently awarded the Causality in Statistics Education Award from the American Statistical Association.
Garrett Fitzmaurice (ScD ’93), Professor of Biostatistics based at the McLean Hospital Laboratory for Psychiatric Biostatistics, was selected for a 2015 Teaching Citation Award. The award is given to faculty members who have enriched students’ academic, professional or personal development.