Harvard Chan Microbiome Center Holds 6th Annual Symposium: The Microbiome and Cancer

The Harvard Chan Microbiome in Public Health (HCMPH) Center was delighted to host their sixth annual symposium on May 13th! This year the event was run in tandem with a partner Dana-Farber / … Continue reading “Harvard Chan Microbiome Center Holds 6th Annual Symposium: The Microbiome and Cancer”

HCMPH Inaugural Symposium Explores Link Between Mircobiome and Public Health

On May 15-16, Dean Michelle Williams, along with co-directors Wendy Garrett & Curtis Huttenhower welcomed dozens of experts to the Joseph B. Martin Center for the inaugural symposium of the Harvard … Continue reading “HCMPH Inaugural Symposium Explores Link Between Mircobiome and Public Health”