Qualtrics is web-based survey software that allows you to easily create surveys, collect and store data, and produce reports. Features include:
- an easy-to-use survey editor, requiring no prior training
- dozens of templates and sample surveys to customize for your own use
- integrated graphics and statistical tools
- the ability to download data into a variety of formats
Key features and benefits
- Free and easy to use service to create surveys
- Export survey response data to the format of your choice
- Build and publish a web-based survey in one session
- HarvardKey login
Available to
Service cost
Core Service - Provided at no cost
Qualtrics is free to use for active members of the Harvard Chan community.
How to get started
- To get started simply visit qualtrics.harvard.edu and sign-in using your HarvardKey.
- If you think you should be able to access Qualtrics from qualtrics.harvard.edu, please submit a ticket to verify that your account is set up correctly.
- If you have further questions about Qualtrics please consult the “Useful links” below or contact the helpdesk helpdesk@hsph.harvard.edu.