Harvard University and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health are committed to ongoing efforts to ensure the accessibility of our digital systems and communications to persons with disabilities.
To that end:
- All audio or video content created and produced at Harvard and posted on a public-facing University Website on or after December 1, 2019 must be captioned when posted. This includes Harvard’s Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs).
- Upon request from any member of the public, any audio or video content created and produced at Harvard and posted on a University Website before December 1, 2019 must be captioned within five business days of the request.
- Content posted to the official YouTube, Vimeo, and SoundCloud channels of the School must be captioned when posted.
- Best effort should be made to live caption all virtual or in-person live streamed events on YouTube, Vimeo, and SoundCloud. If recording is posted see bullet point above.
We also encourage our community, whenever possible, to add captions and/or transcripts on any video or sound clip not falling in the categories above.
While the IT department does not provide a video captioning service, we can help you get started with our recommended vendor: 3 Play Media.
Other services accessible to the Harvard community but that are not supported by the SPH IT Department:
Key features and benefits
- Harvard prefered vendor.
- Negotiated preferential pricing.
- High accuracy of transcription meeting the Digital Accessibility Policy requirements.
Available to
Service cost
Premium service - With associated cost
Users must pay for their own usage but will benefit of a Harvard negotiated preferential pricing.
How to get started
We recommend that you don’t create an individual account but instead reach out to your department administrator to create an account that can be used by everyone in your department and will facilitate billing and accounting.
Accounts can be created on this dedicated Harvard web page on the 3 Play media website.
If you need additional help or guidance getting started with 3 Play please contact us at helpdesk@hsph.harvard.edu