In a paper recently published in the Journal of Lipid Research, Kacey Prentice and a group of scientists from Hotamışlıgil Lab at the Sabri Ülker Center demonstrated that secretion of fatty acid … Continue reading “Sympathetic tone dictates the impact of lipolysis on FABP4 secretion”
In a paper published in JCI Insight, titled, “Endothelial FABP4 constitutes the majority of basal circulating hormone levels and regulates lipolysis-driven insulin secretion”, a team of researchers from the Hotamışlıgil … Continue reading “Endothelial FABP4 constitutes the majority of basal circulating hormone levels and regulates lipolysis-driven insulin secretion”
In a recent paper published in PLoS Genetics, Dr. Mair and his team led by Hannah Smith, demonstrated that selectively inhibiting mechanistic target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) in neurons … Continue reading “Neuronal mTORC1 inhibition promotes longevity without suppressing anabolic growth and reproduction in C. elegans”
In a paper published in the EMBO Journal in February, the Danial (Molecular Metabolism/ Dana Farber Cancer Institute) and Shirihai (UCLA) labs reported that fatty acid utilization is selectively coupled … Continue reading “Mitochondrial morphology controls fatty acid utilization by changing CPT1sensitivity to malonyl-CoA”
We are pleased to announce that Dr. Marie Sabatier has received an Institut Servier fellowship to provide support for her training in the Ubellacker Lab. Institut Servier offers grants to promote the opportunity … Continue reading “Dr. Marie Sabatier has received an Institut Servier fellowship”