How do welfare state efforts and immigration incorporation policies impact minority health inequalities in Europe?

Harvard Pop Center Associate Director Jason Beckfield is an author on a paper published in the Journal of Health and Social Behavior that finds that policies aimed at protecting minorities from discrimination across European countries correlate with smaller relative health inequalities.

Age at Menarche: 50-Year Socioeconomic Trends Among US-Born Black and White Women.

Pop Center faculty members Nancy Krieger and Jason Beckfield have published a study analyzing 50 years of data on the age at which US-born Black and White women begin menstruation. Their works shows that trends in age at menarche vary by socioeconomic position (SEP and race/ethnicity) in ways that pose challenges to several leading clinical, public health, and social explanations for timing of menarche.

As population health improves, what happens to health inequalities?

Given that health is improving at a greater rate among the better off than among those of lower socioeconomic status, will health inequities become greater over time? Pop Center faculty members Nancy Krieger and Jason Beckfield were part of a team that  looked at 50 years of data on socioeconomic health inequities in the US. The study, published in the International Journal of Epidemiology, found that health inequities need not rise as population health improves.