Geographic Insights Lab rolls out two new interactive dashboards: one for tracking NFHS data in India, the other for COVID-19 vaccination by U.S. congressional district

Geographic Insights Lab Logo

The National Family and Health Survey (NFHS) provides critical data on India’s health, nutrition, and population indicators. The Government of India utilizes many of these indicators to formulate policies and track its progress. The team at Geographic Insights Lab presents an interactive dashboard that systematically allows multiple stakeholders to compare 55 indicators for 300+ districts in India.  These indicators can also be compared across 300+ Parliamentary Constituencies in India with…

Geographic Insights Lab presents LIVE COVID-19 vaccine rollout dashboard for India by state

Dashboard of the COVID-19 vaccine tracker in India

The Geographic Insights Lab is an initiative committed to improving public policies by honing in on targeted geopolitical units (such as congressional districts in the U.S. and parliamentary constituencies in India) in order to mine more precise population health and development data. This Lab, led by S V Subramanian, professor of population health and geography at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, has launched a new project that provides…

Taking a closer look at the psychosocial stressors that are thought to affect health and mortality

Heavy set woman sitting on a bench

A study focused on middle-aged and older Americans by Harvard Pop Center postdoctoral fellow Justin Rodgers, faculty members David R. Williams, Ichiro Kawachi, and S V Subramanian, along with their colleague Adolfo G. Cuevas, sheds light on the eight behavioral, biological, and psychological pathways commonly thought to play a  role in the association between stress and health.

Study aims to advance prevention of HIV/AIDS among young women in low- and middle-income countries

Head shot of Chunling Lu and Subu Subramanian

Two researchers affiliated with the Harvard Pop Center (Chungling Lu, PhD, and S V Subramanian, PhD) and their colleagues assessed levels of knowledge of HIV/AIDS and associated socioeconomic disparities among young women between the ages of 15-24 using Demographic Health Surveys from 51 low- and middle-income countries completed between 2002–2018.  Their findings, published in JAMA Network Open, point to there being a need to increase knowledge of HIV/AIDS across this…

Interdisciplinary research lab release first COVID-19 live tracker for U.S. congressional districts

COVID-19 Live Tracker portal

Researchers at the Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies, Harvard Center for Geographic Analysis at the Institute for Quantitative Social Science, and Microsoft AI for Health have joined forces to create a COVID-19 live tracker that monitors the current status of COVID-19 cases and deaths, as well as the reduction of new cases in U.S. congressional districts. Geographic Insights is an interdisciplinary research lab that is the first to…

Estimating COVID-19 across Parliamentary Constituencies and districts in India could facilitate better, evidence-based policy decisions

Map of India geopolitical units with title of working paper

This Harvard Pop Center Working Paper presents the first estimates of COVID-19 cumulative cases and deaths per 100,000 population, and the case fatality rate (CFR) from January 7 – October 18, 2020 across 543 geopolitical units (Parliamentary Constituencies) and 721 districts of India.

Dashboard makes available to the public key COVID-19 metrics by U.S. congressional district

Revised screenshot of COVID-19 Dashboard

Having access to COVID-19 data for U.S. congressional districts can substantially enhance the ability of elected officials and their constituents to develop and monitor testing and vaccine deployment strategies, as well as to implement other measures to help their districts open safely. Harvard Pop Center faculty affiliate S (Subu) V Subramanian, and Research Associate Weixing Zhang are members of the team that have now made this data available to the…

Geo-mapping risk of COVID-19 in India

Map of India with PC districts in background with headline Geo-mapping of COVID-19 Risk Correlates Across Districts and Parliamentary Constituencies

A paper published in a special edition of the Harvard Data Science Review utilizes geo-mapping to identify high-risk areas for the spread of COVID-19 across the Districts and Parliamentary Constituencies of India. The researchers focus on four risk correlates including: population density percentage of population that is exposed to crowding in a household, percentage of population without access to handwashing facilities percentage of population over 65 years of age These…

COVID-19 statistics by Congressional districts across the United States

Map of Congressional Districts in U.S.

Professor of population health and geography S (Subu) V Subramanian, PhD, and his colleague Priyanka N deSouza have published a paper that presents the first estimates of COVID-19 cumulative cases, deaths and case fatality rates across the 436 policy-relevant Congressional districts in the U.S. Image: Wikimediacommons

Children living on edge of malnutrition in India at greater risk of “food shocks” during national lockdowns to curb COVID-19

Child in a field in India

With one out of two children in India suffering from one form of malnutrition, there are many more who are hovering just above that threshold. The findings of this paper published in the Journal of Global Health Science estimate that even a slight shock to body weight could result in a significant uptick in cases of underweight and wasting. Study authors Sunil Rajpal, William Joe, and S V Subramanian make…