PQG Conference

conference, Single-cell Genomics: Technology, Analysis, and Applications on November 5-6th. Single-cell genomics is an exciting new field with many biological and medical applications. The ability to quantify genomic, transcriptomic, and epigenomic information at the single-cell resolution has provided great potential for systematic characterization of the cellular heterogeneity associated with developmental and environmental perturbations and diseases. In this conference, we will bring together a diverse group of scientists to discuss the state-of-art of single-cell genomics and its applications to biomedical research and public health. The conference will be centered on the following three topics:

· Emerging technologies for genome-scale single-cell analysis
· Computational methods for analyzing single-cell genomic data
· Applications of single-cell technologies in human health & diseases

See a full list of Distinguished Speakers
Submit an Abstract – October 23rd Deadline
Register! – September 25th Early Bird Deadline

We will also provide 3 free registrations for PhD students – please contact Shaina Andelman for details.