We are extremely pleased to announce that Dr. Constantine Gatsonis will be the recipient of the 2018 Marvin Zelen Leadership Award in Statistical Science. Dr. Gatsonis will be presented with the award and will deliver a lecture in next spring.
Dr. Constantine Gatsonis is currently the Henry Ledyard Goddard University Professor of Biostatistics and the Director of the Center for Statistical Sciences at the Brown University School of Public Health. He has distinguished himself as both a researcher and a leader in the field of statistical science, making fundamental contributions to both statistical methodology and cancer research, and establishing a thriving, productive, and durable environment for statistical research and education at Brown University.
Highlights of Dr. Gatsonis’ achievements:
- Founding Chair, Department of Biostatistics at Brown University
- Founding Director, Center for Statistical Sciences at Brown University
- Elected Fellow of the American Statistical Association
- Elected Fellow of the Association for Health Services Research
- Elected Fellow of the Society for Research Synthesis Methods
- Term Excellence Award, Health Policy Statistics Section, ASA
- National Research Service Award, National Institute of Mental Health
- Section Head, Neurology, Statistical and Data Analysis Ctr, AIDS Clinical Trials Group
- Co-Chair, Committee on Identifying the Needs of the Forensic Sciences Community, National Academies
- Chair, Committee on Applied and Theoretical Statistics, National Academies
- Chair, Special Review Panel for Cancer Intervention and Surveillance Network (CISNET) applications, NCI
- Chair, Outside Review Committee of CISNET
- Chair, Accelerating Adoption of CER Results, Special Emphasis Panel, NIH
- Chair, DSMB for Back Pain Outcomes using Longitudinal Data (BOLD) Lumbar Epidural Steroid Injections for Spinal Stenosis (LESS) trial
- Chair, Review Panel for the Information Technology Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology
- Founding Editor in Chief: Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology
- Associate Editor, Bayesian Analysis
- Associate Editor, Probability and Statistics Letters
- Editor, Diagnostic Test Accuracy Reviews, Cochrane Collaboration
- Associate Editor, Annals of Applied Statistics
- Statistical Editor, New England Journal of Medicine