21st Annual Celebration with the Stars
A recognition event to honor staff, faculty and
academic appointees who have reached a key milestone
at Harvard in calendar year 2019
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
2:30 PM
Kresge Cafeteria
A reception will follow
A special congratulations to the 2020 “Stars” of the Biostatistics Department!
5 years
James Billingsley
Danielle Braun
Radhika Khetani
Meeta Mistry
Gloreimy Nova
Mary Piper
Elizabeth Solinga
Maxwell Su
10 years
Francesca Dominici
Curtis Huttenhower
Liming Liang (also in Epi)
JP Onnela
Tyler VanderWeele (also in Epi)
20 years
Miguel Hernán (also in Epi)
And a special thanks to Marcello Pagano for
40 years…..