Last Week’s Successful Thesis Defenses!

Congratulations to the following students who successfully defended their thesis last week!

Zijie Zhao

Benchmarking Synaptic Cleft Segmentation in EM ConnectomicsThesis advisor: Hanspeter Pfister (Harvard/SEAS)
Thesis committee members: John Quackenbush, Guocheng Yuan

Ursula Widocki

A Network-based Approach to Understanding Differences in Breast Cancer Subtypes and Their Regulatory Elements

Thesis advisor: Heather Mattie
Thesis committee members: Camila Lopes-Ramos, John Quackenbush

Qing Zhang

Benchmarking Somatic Variant Calling of Mutect and GATK Mutect2 on TCGA WES Data

Thesis advisor: Gad Getz (Broad Institute)
Thesis committee members: Xiaole Shirley Liu, John Quackenbush

Huahua Zheng

Genetics and Electronic Health Record Data to Predict Response to Biologic Therapy in Rheumatoid Arthritis

Thesis advisor: Katherine Liao (HMS/BWH)
Thesis committee members: John Quackenbush, Junwei Lu

Shujian Zhu

Shared Genetic Components between Age-Related Macular Degeneration and Plasma Metabolites in Multi-Ethnicity Cohort

Thesis advisor: Liming Liang
Thesis committee members: Deeba Husain (HMS/MEE), John Quackenbush

Aonia Traxler

Sexual Dimorphism in Gene Regulatory Networks for Bladder and Thyroid Cancer and the Implications on Clinical Treatment

Thesis advisor: Camila Lopes-Ramos
Thesis committee members: Marouen Ben Guebila, John Quackenbush