Nan Laird to Give the 25th Distinguished Statistician Colloquium

Distinguished Statistician Colloquium

Nan LairdThe Department of Statistics at the University of Connecticut will host the 25th Distinguished Statistician Colloquium. The purpose of the Colloquium is to provide a forum for a distinguished statistician to share and disseminate their unique perspective and work in the theory and/or application of statistics.

This year’s speaker at the 25th Pfizer Distinguished Statistician Series will be Professor Emerita Nan Laird. The colloquium will be held virtually on Wednesday, October 14th, 2020 from 3:00-5:00pmEST. The interview will be conducted by Professor Christoph Lange  and Brown Biostats Chair and alumnus Joseph Hogan, ScD ’95.

The lecture and the interview are open to the public but pre-registration will be needed for a link to the webcast.

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