Harvard Catalyst Biostatistics Journal Club – 5/4

Statistic Methods in Covid Related Research FlyerBiostatistics Journal ClubStatistic Methods in COVID-Related StudiesWhen data from randomized trials are not available, causal analyses of observational data may be used to guide practice by adopting a target trial emulation approach. By carefully specifying a target trial’s eligibility criteria, treatment strategies, treatment assignment, outcome, and statistical analysis, the emulated target trial can address the research question and avoid common methodological pitfalls of causal inference from observational data. Wei Wang, PhD, Brigham and Women’s Hospital,  will review the framework for target trial emulation, and discuss a few applications to COVID-19 observational data which can be used to study and compare effectiveness of treatments and vaccines.Wednesday, May 4, 20221:00 pm – 2:00 pmRegister Here