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New study led by Francesca Dominici quantifies the benefits of pollution reduction in terms of race and class

There is overwhelming evidence that people of color, and Black communities in particular, are disproportionately exposed to harmful air pollutants. The NYTimes recently highlighted a study, conducted by a team of … Continue reading “New study led by Francesca Dominici quantifies the benefits of pollution reduction in terms of race and class”

Mosteller Award Event w. Francesca Dominici – 3/10

How much evidence do you need? Data Science to Inform Environmental Policy During the COVID-19 PandemicThe Boston Chapter of the ASA has selected Francesca Dominici, PhD, as the recipient of the … Continue reading “Mosteller Award Event w. Francesca Dominici – 3/10”

Francesca Dominici to give MIT’s Henry W. Kendall Memorial Lecture – 4/21

The 18th Annual Henry W. Kendall Memorial Lecture Hosted by the Center for Global Change Science and Dept. of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, MIT Francesca Dominici, PhD Clarence James … Continue reading “Francesca Dominici to give MIT’s Henry W. Kendall Memorial Lecture – 4/21”