Upcoming Dissertation Defenses


Postdoc Tian Gu Awarded ASA Young Investigator Award

Congratulations to Postdoctoral Research Fellow Dr. Tian Gu who was awarded the 2023 Young Investigator Award by ASA Statistics in Epidemiology Section! Dr. Gu has been recognized for Robust angle-based transfer learning approach in … Continue reading “Postdoc Tian Gu Awarded ASA Young Investigator Award”

Upcoming Dissertation Defenses

Molei Liu Dissertation Defense“Federated and Transfer Learning with Multi-site Electronic Health Record Data”Dissertation Committee: Tianxi Cai, Junwei Liu, Lucas JansonWednesday, April 27, 202212:00 PMEmail for Zoom Information Jane W. Liang … Continue reading “Upcoming Dissertation Defenses”