HSPH Researchers Examine Short Term Exposure to Fine Particulate Matter

Pollution is taking a much more devastating toll on our health than we realize. A recent article in CNN Health cites research on the surprisingly strong link between exposure to particle … Continue reading “HSPH Researchers Examine Short Term Exposure to Fine Particulate Matter”

Francesca Dominici Interview: Wildfire Health Impacts

As wildfires rage in California, what are the health impacts? Francesca Dominici, professor of biostatistics and co-director of the Harvard Data Science Initiative, and colleagues have studied the growing threat posed … Continue reading “Francesca Dominici Interview: Wildfire Health Impacts”

Data Science & Climate Change with Francesca Dominici – 11/12

Boston Women in Machine Learning and Data Science will host Francesca Dominici, professor of biostatistics and co-director of the Harvard Data Science Initiative, to speak about how data science can be used to tackle … Continue reading “Data Science & Climate Change with Francesca Dominici – 11/12”

Gender Gaps in Invited Commentaries for Medical Journals

In medical journals, publication of an invited commentary is a recognition of expertise and can raise an author’s profile. A recent press release outlines the findings from a study led by the Harvard … Continue reading “Gender Gaps in Invited Commentaries for Medical Journals”

New Harvard Data Science Review

Launched last week by founding editor Xiao-Li Meng, the Harvard Data Science Review (HDSR) is an open access platform of the Harvard Data Science Initiative and published by MIT Press that will feature leading global … Continue reading “New Harvard Data Science Review”

Harvard & Elsevier are using Data Science to improve gender equality in academia

“How does having access to scientometric data accelerate the pace with which we can eliminate gender differences in academic success? And which critical datasets can be extracted from this wealth … Continue reading “Harvard & Elsevier are using Data Science to improve gender equality in academia”

HDSI Event: Representation in Academia – 4/9

Representation in Academia Using data science to better understand and overcome the challenges women face in academia Tuesday, April 9, 2019 1:30 PM – 3:30 PM Science Center Lecture Hall E 1 Oxford … Continue reading “HDSI Event: Representation in Academia – 4/9”

The Abandonment of Evidence in Air Pollution Policy

In a recent paper published in Science, Dr. Francesca Dominici and Gretchen Goldman of the Union of Concerned Scientists raise the alarm regarding proposed changes to the EPA’s methods for … Continue reading “The Abandonment of Evidence in Air Pollution Policy”