New Harvard Data Science Review

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Launched last week by founding editor Xiao-Li Meng, the Harvard Data Science Review (HDSR) is an open access platform of the Harvard Data Science Initiative and published by MIT Press that will feature leading global thinkers in the burgeoning multi-disciplinary field of data science and make research, educational resources, and commentary more accessible to academics, professionals, and the public.

HDSR aims to be a new kind of digital platform that reflects the synergistic nature of data science. By uniting the strengths of a premier research journal, a cutting-edge educational publication, and a popular magazine, HDSR will provide a crossroads at which fundamental data science research and education intersect directly with societally-important applications from industry, governments, NGOs, and others.

HDSI co-directors Francesca Dominici and David Parks believe that, “with its rigorous and cross-disciplinary thinking, the Harvard Data Science Review will advance the new science of data. By sharing stories of positive transformational impact as well as raising questions, this collective endeavor will reveal the contours that will shape future research and practice.”

The first digital edition is now available here.

For those who are interested in contributing content and supporting HDSR, please