Lecture Capture

Supported with Panopto

This service allows for the recording and posting of class sessions that take place on campus. (Limited to following classrooms: FXB G11, FXB G12, FXB G13, Kresge LL6, Kresge G1, Kresge G2, Kresge G3, Kresge 200, Kresge 202A, Kresge 202B, Kresge 502.)

Key features and benefits

  • simultaneous recording of both the lecturer and a content source such as Powerpoint
  • provided by request only – please complete the New Media Request Form to request your recording(s) at least 48 hours in advance
  • can be used to record visiting lecturers or any guest at the school Speaker Consent Form

Available to

How to get started

In you are interested in using this service, please contact the helpdesk helpdesk@hsph.harvard.edu

Useful links