Spaces and Facilities

All Gender Restrooms

View a list of all-gender restroom locations at Harvard Chan. For all-gender restroom locations across Harvard’s campus, visit the Office for Gener Equity’s Gender Inclusive Restroom Mapping Project.


Looking for a place to study, relax, or just pause for a few minutes? Visit the lounge spaces on campus for a quick break during your day:

  • Kresge LL-10
  • Kresge second-floor lounge
  • FXB Lounge (second floor above the FXB Lobby)
  • ODI Lounge (Kresge G4)

Reflection Room

The reflection room is a multi-functional quiet space for anyone who wish to pray, meditate or reflect. It is located in Kresge LL14 and an adjacent Wudu Area is in Kresge LL08.

Room Reservation Policies

All events being held at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health must be officially sponsored by a Chan School Department or faculty member. For more information visit the Book It website.

Sebastian’s Cafe

Take a break from the bustle of the Harvard Longwood campus to stop by Sebastian’s Café, where they offer everything from a light breakfast to a hearty lunch to a midday snack to tide you through the workday. Visit the Sebastian’s Cafe website for hours and menus.

When purchasing items with Crimson Cash,  all degree-seeking students are eligible to receive a 20% discount at Sebastian’s Cafe. If you are not receiving this discount and believe you are eligible, please contact the IT Helpdesk at (617) 432-4357 or


View a list of shower locations on the Operation Office website.