Tyler VanderWeele‘s new book “Explanation in Causal Inference: Methods for Mediation and Interaction” was recently published by Oxford University Press. It is available on Amazon or from Oxford University Press. The book provides the first in depth coverage of the topics of mediation and interaction from a causal inference perspective. It is written to be accessible to beginning graduate students in statistics, epidemiology, and the social sciences but also has a detailed appendix for methodologists and statisticians which contain the technical material and proofs. The book was recently awarded the Causality in Statistics Education Award from the American Statistical Association:
The award citation described the book as follows:
Through his book, VanderWeele has taken this development to another level by creating an in-depth science around the fundamental aspects of mediation and interactions. It offers statistics educators a scholarly course material that is teachable, comprehensive and rigorous. It is a milestone in statistics education and carries the potential of revolutionizing the way students in many disciplines will be introduced to the study of causation – in general – and to causal explanation in particular.