Accepting Award Nominations!

Each year the Myrto Lefkopoulou Lectureship is awarded to a promising statistician who has made contributions to either collaborative or methodologic research in the applications of statistical methods to biology or medicine, and/or who has shown excellence in the teaching of biostatistics. Ordinarily, the lectureship is given to a statistician who has earned a doctorate in the last fifteen years. The lecture is presented to a general scientific audience as the first Department colloquium of each academic year. The lectureship includes travel to Boston, a reception following the lecture, and an honorarium of $1000.

Please send nominations via email to Shaina Andelman, including a letter of nomination and a CV. Additional support letters are extremely helpful as well. Nominations must be received by May 13, 2017.

The annual Lagakos Distinguished Alumni Award serves to recognize Department alumni whose research in statistical theory and application, leadership in biomedical research, and commitment to teaching have had a major impact on the theory and practice of statistical science.  The award is open to all who have earned a degree through the department, regardless of length of time since graduation or type of degree. The award recipient will be invited to the school to deliver a lecture on their career and life beyond the Department.

Please send nominations via email to Shaina Andelman, including a letter of nomination and a CV. Additional support letters are extremely helpful as well. Nominations must be received by June 3, 2017.