A tradition began last spring in the department, linking the Colloquium Series with Career Development, and it will continue this year!
Lunchtime Career Chats are specifically designed to be informal, career-based discussions that students and postdocs can have with our invited speakers whom they might not otherwise have access to by attending just the colloquia talks, which are focused on research. These professionals are coming from academic, government, industry and other sectors and are a wealth of knowledge and experience.
Please join our next invited colloquia speaker, Dr. Peter Mueller, for a Lunchtime Career Chat in Room 2-401 at 1pm on Thursday, January 25, to hear abut his own career path, as well as insights and advice he has for students and postdocs. RSVP to Valerie Coffee (space is limited). Don’t miss the colloquia talk thereafter at 3:30pm (FXB G13) where Peter will discuss “Bayesian Feature Allocation Models for Tumor Heterogeneity.”
Contact Valerie Coffee to RSVP or with logistical, administrative questions about these events. Contact Cory Zigler or Erin Lake with questions about the colloquia talks and speakers, or career development aspect, respectively.
Join us for upcoming colloquium talks and career chats this spring!