Upcoming Career Development Series Events

Career Development Series

Career Development Series Events

This series picks up where general career development resources at HSPH and Harvard leave off, and provides the necessary focus that is specific to our students in biostatistics, health data science, computational biology and quantitative genetics.  Students and faculty are welcome to contribute ideas via this sheet or by contacting Dr. Erin Lake.


Careers and Opportunities in Hospital Research Settings

Wednesday, February 17, 2021
1:00-1:55pm EST
RSVP if you plan to join
Zoom Link | +1 301 715 8592
Password: statcareer
Please join special guests Meredith Regan ScD ’98 (DFCI and HMS), Tanayott (Tony) Thaweethai PhD ’20 (MGH and HMS), Christine Ulysse SM ‘17 (MGH), Steven Staffa SM ’16 (BCH), and Nathan Hall SM ’18 (MEE) as they share their experiences and advice as alums currently working in highly varied and dynamic hospital research settings!  Many of our students enjoy collaborative projects and thesis work in these environments, and many of our graduates go on to professional roles in hospital settings.  Collaborative hospital research opportunities provide some of the best ways to learn many of the most critical skills we need as statisticians and public health scientists/policy-makers/leaders, and involve fascinating areas of both methodological and applied research.


Ongoing Career Development Resources 
* HSPH and GSAS international students may visit the Harvard International Office (HIO) for information or to attend HIO office hours.

* SM and PhD students can access the Office of Career and Professional Development.  Follow their events calendar!

* PhD students (and for certain events, SM students) can find many resources via the Office of Career Services (OCS) at GSAS.  Follow their events calendar!

* All members of the department may connect to the Department of Biostatistics/Alumnae section of the LinkedIn network.

* Visit the department Slack channels (see earlier emails from department with link) for internship and job opportunities. The Slack channels are updated regularly and serve as a bank of announcements and opportunities that the department receives on an ongoing basis (such announcements are not generally sent out by email).
* All students can find interesting reads and keep up with the field via sources including but not limited to ASA’s Amstat News, and the popular This is Statistics site.

* Students in the department should try to maintain a current CV/resume (depending on your degree program and job application needs), and can find initial help with this by making appointments through the offices noted above.

– If you have suggestions for this seminar series, please contact Dr. Erin Lake.