Again, StatStart was a success this year. The students appreciated the opportunity to spend some time (virtually) with us. I would like to thank all the people who volunteered their time to make sure we were able to put on a quality program. The project co-leaders were Patrick Emedom-Nnamdi and the co-founder of the program, Octavious Talbot. They both magically engineered an intellectually challenging program. They were helped by Priti Thareja, who gave generously of her time. The program needed a huge dollop of help from the graduate students in the Department. They patiently guided the students through their research projects and kept up the students’ spirits as they wrote wonderful presentations. We owe a great debt of gratitude to these mentors: Jerry Chang, Kevin Lee Chen, Anurag Gopaluni, Sean McGrath, Harrison Reeder, Derek Shi, Cathy Wang, Stephanie Wu, Amy Zhou and Luli Zou. They graciously volunteered their time to make this program a success. Lastly, we must give a shout out to Elizabeth Solinga and John Quackenbush (who also spoke wonderfully at the closing of the program) for their support.
– Marcello Pagano, StatStart Program Director