Celebrating Marcello Pagano in Honor of his Retirement

The Biostatistics Department would like to take the opportunity to honor Professor Marcello Pagano who will be retiring from the Department this year. It is difficult to know where to … Continue reading “Celebrating Marcello Pagano in Honor of his Retirement”

StatStart Summer Program Presentations – 7/28

Please join us for the 8th Annual StatStart Presentations!Friday, June 28th | 10am-2pm | Biostats Conference Roomyou can also join virtually using the Zoom link: Join Zoom meetinghttps://harvard.zoom.us/j/98053243411?pwd=a0RyTzZ6bVk1OFM4WWxnMzFaWTBJQT09 Password: 167063

StatStart Receives CLIF Funding!

Congratulations to the StatStart team who was recently selected as a 2022-23 grant recipient of the Harvard Culture Lab Innovation Fund (CLIF)! The team will receive generous funding for their upcoming summer program after … Continue reading “StatStart Receives CLIF Funding!”

StatStart 2021 – Letter from the Program Director

Again, StatStart was a success this year. The students appreciated the opportunity to spend some time (virtually) with us. I would like to thank all the people who volunteered their … Continue reading “StatStart 2021 – Letter from the Program Director”

Another Successful Summer of StatStart!

The StatStart program concluded last week with 10 high school students presenting the research they worked on during the 4-week intensive summer program. The following topics were included in the presentations: Dose Finding … Continue reading “Another Successful Summer of StatStart!”