StatStart’s 5th Annual Summer Program!

StatStart, a summer program geared towards under-represented minority and low-income high school students from the Boston area, has just wrapped up its 5th year! On Friday, July 26th, in front … Continue reading “StatStart’s 5th Annual Summer Program!”

Staff News: Sr. Program Coordinator Priti Thareja

We are very pleased to announce that Priti Thareja has joined the department as a Senior Program Coordinator! Priti will be at the helm of our diversity initiatives, organizing and running the Summer Program in Biostatistics & Computational … Continue reading “Staff News: Sr. Program Coordinator Priti Thareja”

StatStart Program: 2018 Update

The 2018 StatStart Program hosted 10 underrepresented minority high school students from Malden High School, Boston Latin Academy and the Neighborhood House Charter High School. The program was a tremendous … Continue reading “StatStart Program: 2018 Update”

StatStart Program Thrives in Its 4th year

StatStart, a summer program geared towards under-represented minority and low-income high school students from the Boston area, has just wrapped up its 4th year! On Friday, July 27th, in front of graduate students, … Continue reading “StatStart Program Thrives in Its 4th year”

StatStart: A Summer Program in Biostatistics

Students had an extremely productive month during StatStart, a summer program in biostatistics that runs through the month of July. Led by Professor Marcello Pagano and doctoral students Sam Tracy, … Continue reading “StatStart: A Summer Program in Biostatistics”

Another Great Year for StatStart Program

StatStart finished another successful year and held their final certificate ceremony on Friday. After undergoing an intense month of lectures from Harvard graduate students, the high school students presented their … Continue reading “Another Great Year for StatStart Program”

StatStart Feature in STN Newsletter

Check out this article on StatStart, published by The Statistics Teacher Network. Written by Octavious Talbot, Alex Ocampo, Sam Tracy, Kelly Mosesso, Marcello Pagano, and 10th-grade student Aisha Rahman from … Continue reading “StatStart Feature in STN Newsletter”

Black Male Summit

PhD candidate Octavious Talbot traveled to Akron, OH earlier this month to attend the annual Black Male Summit, a national platform for best practices and innovative strategies focusing on cradle-to-career success for African-American … Continue reading “Black Male Summit”