Career Development Series – Upcoming Events

Career Development Series
Career Talk Flyer - healthcare data scienceCareer TalkGopal Kotecha (MD, and 4th year PhD student in Biostatistics)Alma Fredriksson (’21 SM Biostatistics, Product Manager of Clinical AI Applications at MGH & BWH)Healthcare Data Science: Careers and the Lay of the LandTuesday, April 26th 1:00-2:00 pm Register for Zoom


Ongoing Career Development Resources* HSPH and GSAS international students may visit the Harvard International Office (HIO) to attend HIO office hours for information relevant to internships or employment.* SM and PhD students can access the Office of Career and Professional Development, subscribe to their mailing list, visit virtual drop-in hours, view upcoming events via their dedicated canvas site (link included in their newsletter each week), and follow their events calendar.* PhD students (and for certain events, SM students) can find many resources via the Office of Career Services (OCS) at GSAS, subscribe to their mailing list and follow their events calendar.* All members of the department may connect to the Department of Biostatistics/Alumnae section of the LinkedIn network.* Visit the department Slack channels (see earlier email from department administration with link) for internship and job opportunities. The Slack channels are updated regularly and serve as a bank of announcements and opportunities that the department receives on an ongoing basis (such announcements are not generally sent out by email).* All students can find interesting reads, internship listings, and keep up with the field via sources including but not limited to ASA’s publications such as Amstat NewsSTATtrak, and the popular This is Statistics site.If you are interested in joining us as a guest speaker, or have ideas regarding this series, please contact Dr. Erin Lake or enter your ideas via this sheet.