Harvard Chan Bioinformatics Core’s (HBC) Current Topics in Bioinformatics 2023 series

Current Topics in Bioinformatics schedule

The Harvard Chan Bioinformatics Core  is pleased to announce the next session of the Harvard Chan Bioinformatics Core’s (HBC) Current Topics in Bioinformatics 2023 series – R basics practice. This free, hands-on workshop is available to all Harvard affiliates. The workshop is part of our series which covers a variety of bioinformatics topics & related skills.

R Basics practiceThis workshop will build on the content of the Introduction to R online resource, or July’s R Basics workshop and will provide practical exercises to practice your newly developed R skills. Hands-on exercises will review learned R syntax, including variables, functions, and arguments as well as data structures in R and the basics of data inspection and wrangling.Pre-requisite: R basics from our July workshop or self-learning of the Harvard Catalyst Online R resource.Wednesday, August 16th 1-4pmSign up for your zoom link.

The remaining 2023 workshops are listed in the table above. All workshops are currently held remotely via Zoom.