
The classic Harvard crimson and an additional set of colors offer designers and creators considerable scope for creativity while cohesively maintaining the visual character of the school.

When a text color does not contrast sufficiently with a background color, it can create a difficult reading experience, especially for people with low vision. Creators must meet the University’s digital accessibility policies around contrast when choosing colors for text. We recommend WebAim to check contrast levels.

Core color palette

The core color palette consists of the colors found in the Harvard Chan logo: Crimson and Gray.

RGB: 165-28-48
CMYK: 8-100-65-24
Hex: #A51C30
PMS: 1807C / 187U
Harvard Chan Gray
Harvard Chan Gray
RGB: 89-89-89
CMYK: 7-6-5-85
Hex: #595859
PMS: 425C / 426U

Primary color palette

The Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health primary color palette is a key aspect of the visual identity for the brand. The colors are authoritative yet approachable, and strike a balance between the scientific and human elements of public health.
These colors can be used on their own or in combination with Harvard Chan Crimson and Harvard Chan Gray.

RGB: 181-90-90
CMYK: 23-75-58-7
Hex: #B55A5A
RGB: 198-109-93
CMYK: 19-66-63-3
Hex: #C66D5D
RGB: 202-130-96
CMYK: 18-55-65-2
Hex: #CA8260
RGB: 136-141-129
CMYK: 48-36-48-5
Hex: #888D81
RGB: 128-99-122
CMYK: 52-63-36-10
Hex: #80637A
RGB: 172-128-128
CMYK: 32-52-42-3
Hex: #AC8080

Each primary color has a lighter and darker swatch to assist in application and legibility.

Dark Red

Dark Red
RGB: 157-71-75
CMYK: 29-80-64-18
Hex: #9D474B

Light Red

Light Red
RGB: 229-202-201
CMYK: 9-21-14-0
Hex: #E5CAC9

Dark Redwood

Dark Redwood
RGB: 173-75-69
CMYK: 24-80-72-13
Hex: #AD4B45

Light Redwood

Light Redwood
RGB: 242-199-181
CMYK: 4-24-24-0
Hex: #F2C7B5

Dark Orange

Dark Orange
RGB: 179-103-83
CMYK: 24-66-68-9
Hex: #B36753

Light Orange

Light Orange
RGB: 253-209-182
CMYK: 0-20-26-0
Hex: #FDD1B6

Dark Green

Dark Green
RGB: 95-105-98
CMYK: 63-47-56-21
Hex: #5F6962

Light Green

Light Green
RGB: 201-208-192
CMYK: 21-11-24-0
Hex: #C9D0C0

Dark Purple

Dark Purple
RGB: 101-85-115
CMYK: 64-69-34-15
Hex: #655573

Light Purple

Light Purple
RGB: 213-191-209
CMYK: 15-24-7-0
Hex: #D5BFD1

Dark Mauve

Dark Mauve
RGB: 148-103-110
CMYK: 39-62-45-11
Hex: #94676E

Light Mauve

Light Mauve
RGB: 230-197-200
CMYK: 8-23-13-0
Hex: #E6C5C8

Shades and additional colors

The following are approved colors to use within the Harvard University Color Palette.

Shade 01

Shade 01
RGB: 37-39-39
CMYK: 72-64-64-69
Hex: #252727

Shade 02

Shade 02
RGB: 61-61-61
CMYK: 68-61-60-49
Hex: #3D3D3D

Tint 01

Tint 01
RGB: 214-214-214
CMYK: 15-11-11-0
Hex: #D6D6D7

Tint 02

Tint 02
RGB: 240-240-242
CMYK: 4-3-2-0
Hex: #F0F0F2

Harvard Chocolate

Harvard Chocolate
RGB: 66-46-28
CMYK: 52-66-81-63
Hex: #422E1C
PMS: 7533C / 533U

Harvard Putty

Harvard Putty
RGB: 214-209-212
CMYK: 15-14-17-0
Hex: #D7D1CB
PMS: Warm Gray 1 C / Warm Gray 1 U

Harvard Slate

Harvard Slate
RGB: 137-150-160
CMYK: 33-15-14-17
Hex: #8996a0
PMS: #7544C / #7544U

Shape and texture

Brand identities today consist of more than colors, type, and logos. Using shape and texture allows for additional movement and depth in visual communication. Below is a set of approved shapes and textures.

3 rows of black shapes; 20 shapes total, including shield, triangle, filled circle, outlined circle, quarter-circle, half circle, wavey trianlges.
Download approved shapes and textures.

Best practices and examples

The color palette works best in monochromatic applications. However, in some cases, mixing and matching the colors can help content to stand out.

Black and white image of female wearing glasses centered on a desert orange background. Four shapes in the same color but different tints are overlaid. Color Palette Example: Text quote in purple with an orange rectangle, purple quarter-circle, grey circle and grey "o" shape on a larger horizontal grey shape. Large omicrom microscopic virus cell on a cream background. A smaller, lighter red coronavirus sits to its right. Quote card with layers of sage green, light green and dark green. Two teardrop shapes make the quote, a circle and quarter circle are layered in the background.

Robert Bullard event teaser image

Event graphic Event graphic