Rose Traveling Fellowship

A reminder for students and postdocs that the application deadline is approaching for the Rose Traveling Fellowship Program.    Dr. Deborah Rose has generously agreed to provide financial support for … Continue reading “Rose Traveling Fellowship”

Pathway to Independence Award Winner

Postdoctoral Research Fellow Han Chen recently received an NIH Pathway to Independence Award (K99/R00). Mentored by Xihong Lin, Han’s proposed research entitled Statistical and Computational Methods for Large-Scale Sequencing Studies will … Continue reading “Pathway to Independence Award Winner”

JSM Student Paper Competition Winner

PhD Student Georgia Papadogeorgou has been selected as one of the winners of the 2016 JSM Student Paper Competition for her paper Towards Adjustment for Completely Unobserved Confounding.   As part of … Continue reading “JSM Student Paper Competition Winner”

Cory Zigler’s R01 Funded

Congratulations to Assistant Professor Cory Zigler, who’s R01 was recently funded!  The title of the grant is Causal Inference with Interference for Evaluating Air Quality Policies. Cory’s co-investigators include Francesca Dominici, … Continue reading “Cory Zigler’s R01 Funded”