Dissertation Defense Schedule

April 28 Building 2, Room 426  |  2:00pm Patrick Staples Committee Chair: JP Onnela Networks and Statistical Approaches in Biological Contexts   May 2 Kresge 202A  |  10:00am Godwin Yung Committee … Continue reading “Dissertation Defense Schedule”

Department News

In addition to a very successful alumni reception, Xihong Lin‘s delivery of the presidential address, and her participation in the first US Biostatistics Chairs Retreat, there were several exciting developments at ENAR:  Scarlett Bellamy … Continue reading “Department News”

Celebration of the Stars!

Staff, faculty, and academic appointees reaching key milestones in their years of service at the school were honored at the annual Celebration of the Stars last week.  A very big thank you to … Continue reading “Celebration of the Stars!”

Pathway to Independence Award Winner

Postdoctoral Research Fellow Han Chen recently received an NIH Pathway to Independence Award (K99/R00). Mentored by Xihong Lin, Han’s proposed research entitled Statistical and Computational Methods for Large-Scale Sequencing Studies will … Continue reading “Pathway to Independence Award Winner”

NCI Outstanding Investigator Award

Xihong Lin is the recipient of a prestigious National Cancer Institute Outstanding Investigator Award (OIA). Globally recognized for her leadership and expertise in statistical genetics and genomics, Xihong received a $6.6 million … Continue reading “NCI Outstanding Investigator Award”

Holiday Message from Associate Chair Brent Coull

The department has developed several new educational initiatives this past year. As Xihong mentioned, the School has approved a new Masters program in Health Data Science. This program affords several … Continue reading “Holiday Message from Associate Chair Brent Coull”

Holiday Message from Chair Xihong Lin

As the year closes and we celebrate the holiday season, I would like to express my warm appreciation to all of you in the Harvard Biostatistics community for your many … Continue reading “Holiday Message from Chair Xihong Lin”

Appointments 2015

Scott L. Carter joined the department as Assistant Professor of Computational Biology. Dr. Carter is based at the Department of Biostatistics and Computational Biology at DFCI. HMS Assistant Professor of … Continue reading “Appointments 2015”