Xihong Lin Joins TAG on COVID-19 Mortality Assessment

Professor Xihong Lin will serve on the WHO and UN DESA Technical Advisory Group on COVID-19 Mortality Assessment. “In the context of the collaboration between the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations … Continue reading “Xihong Lin Joins TAG on COVID-19 Mortality Assessment”

Xihong Lin Receives Boston University’s L. Adrienne Cupples Award

via BU School of Public Health: The 2021 L. Adrienne Cupples Award for Excellence in Teaching, Research, and Service in Biostatistics, has been awarded to Xihong Lin, professor of biostatistics and … Continue reading “Xihong Lin Receives Boston University’s L. Adrienne Cupples Award”

Addressing Attitudes & Science Mistrust During COVID-19 – 1/28

The NIH Community Engagement Alliance, National Library of Medicine (NLM) and National Research Mentoring Network (NRMR) will host a webinar on Addressing Attitudes & Science Mistrust During the COVID-19 Pandemic at 12:30-2:30 on Thursday, January … Continue reading “Addressing Attitudes & Science Mistrust During COVID-19 – 1/28”

COVID-19 Survey Aims to Understand Pandemic’s Impact on Grad Students

A group of students and researchers led by Professor Xihong Lin have been working on a survey for graduate students to assess the effects of COVID-19 on the graduate community and to allow … Continue reading “COVID-19 Survey Aims to Understand Pandemic’s Impact on Grad Students”

Xihong Lin Named to UW’s List of 50 Changemakers of Public Health

Congratulations to Dr. Xihong Lin who has received the tremendous honor of being named to the University of Washington School of Public Health’s list of 50 Changemakers of Public Health for “creating high-impact statistical methods for genomic … Continue reading “Xihong Lin Named to UW’s List of 50 Changemakers of Public Health”

Crowdsourcing Data to Fight COVID-19

A new article in the Harvard Gazette outlines the findings of a recent study looking at information gathered by an app used by 500,000 people to log daily symptoms, health status, … Continue reading “Crowdsourcing Data to Fight COVID-19”

Summer Project Presentations – 8/24 & 8/25

Our 2nd year PhD students will be presenting their summer projects on Monday, 8/24 starting at 4pm, with a second group of presentations on Tuesday, 8/25, starting at 2:30pm. Please email Jelena Follweiler for Zoom … Continue reading “Summer Project Presentations – 8/24 & 8/25”

Learning from the Wuhan COVID-19 Data on the Fly

Upon an invitation by Nature Microbiology, former Biostat postdoctoral fellow Chaolong Wang and Professor Xihong Lin published a Behind the Paper blog entitled “Learning from the Wuhan COVID19 Data on the Fly” about their recent Nature paper on “Reconstruction of the full … Continue reading “Learning from the Wuhan COVID-19 Data on the Fly”