Undetected Cases Speed COVID-19 Spread and a Potential Second Wave

Professor of Biostatistics and Statistics Xihong Lin along with a team of scientists from Huazhong Science and Technology University in Wuhan, including the co-corresponding author Chaolong Wang, a former Biostats postdoctoral fellow, recently published … Continue reading “Undetected Cases Speed COVID-19 Spread and a Potential Second Wave”

Help Distributing Undergrad COVID-19 Survey

With assistance from Professor of Biostatistics Xihong Lin, a group of undergraduates from various universities recently developed a survey to assess the effects of COVID-19 on undergraduate communities. The data they hope to capture … Continue reading “Help Distributing Undergrad COVID-19 Survey”

Nature Article Explores R as the Pandemic’s Misunderstood Metric

Professor Xihong Lin‘s new website was recently featured in an article published in Nature last week; “A guide to R — the pandemic’s misunderstood metric“, which sought to explore what the reproduction number can and can’t tell us about … Continue reading “Nature Article Explores R as the Pandemic’s Misunderstood Metric”

New Interactive Site for Visualizing COVID-19’s Rt

Professor Xihong Lin and her team of students and postdocs have recently launched a new website where interactive maps help to visualize COVID-19’s Effective Reproduction Number (Rt) in real time throughout the world, at various resolutions from country level … Continue reading “New Interactive Site for Visualizing COVID-19’s Rt”

Learning From Public Health Interventions in Wuhan

In a recent Twitter thread, Harvard Biostatistics and Statistics professor Xihong Lin announced the publication of a study in JAMA carried out in collaboration with colleagues at Tongji School of Public Health of Huazhong Science … Continue reading “Learning From Public Health Interventions in Wuhan”

Download the “How We Feel” App Today and Help Fight COVID-19

How do you feel?  Now is a great time to share with the release of How We Feel, a new app that uses the community’s help to track and fight COVID-19. The … Continue reading “Download the “How We Feel” App Today and Help Fight COVID-19″

HowWeFeel: An App Designed to Tackle Coronavirus Together

An interdisciplinary, multi-institutional team of researchers from leading academic institutions including Feng Zhang of the Broad Institute and MIT, Xihong Lin of Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and Faculty of … Continue reading “HowWeFeel: An App Designed to Tackle Coronavirus Together”

Xihong Lin’s New Webinar on COVID-19 Research

“Learning from 26, 000 COVID-19 cases in Wuhan” Watch Professor Xihong Lin’s 03/20/20 Webinar on COVID-19  at the Broad Institute View updated slides here (03/21/20) On Friday, March 21, 2020 Dr. Xihong Lin presented recent … Continue reading “Xihong Lin’s New Webinar on COVID-19 Research”

Letter from the Department Chair

Friends, As everyone knows, we are in the midst of a growing pandemic involving (COVID-19) and, lacking adequate testing or a coherent government response, people and organizations are instituting policies that … Continue reading “Letter from the Department Chair”