MAINTENANCE: Research Compliance Suite, Fri., 7/29, 7:00pm – 7:00am

Harvard’s Research Compliance Suite of applications – ESTR-IRB, Agreements-DUAData Safety, OAIR – will be unavailable Friday, July 29, 7:00pm until Saturday, July 30, 7:00am (ET).  HUIT will post a “system maintenance” page on each web site while the updates are taking place.  Any users logged into the system when the site becomes unavailable will be automatically logged out while the updates take place.

This release incorporates vendor-provided upgrades, along with Harvard custom changes.

For your reference, release notes are available on our support sites:

If you have any questions, please contact the IT Help Desk at (617) 432-4357 or email

Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
Department of Information Technology