
Alcohol Policy at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

The serving of alcoholic beverages on Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health premises is permitted only under a beer and wine license, which we apply each year through the City of Boston, held by Sebastian’s Café. Under this license, any event where alcohol is offered must be run by Sebastian’s, the exclusive provider of all alcoholic beverages for events taking place on our property. School policy states that all alcohol must be served by a Sebastian’s bartender (no self-service or cash bars allowed). It is also the policy of the school when offering alcoholic beverages that a non-alcoholic beverage is offered, as well as a food selection.

For any function where alcohol is being served, a Harvard police detail is required. All costs for police detail are the responsibility of the department hosting the event. Requests for police detail can be made at the following Harvard University Police Department website link http://www.hupd.harvard.edu/.

The liabilities associated with serving alcohol are very significant and dictate that we adhere to the established policy. We ask for your cooperation in your roles as department chairs and department/program administrators in both abiding by and ensuring compliance within your units to this policy.

We would be pleased to arrange a meeting within any of your units with Sebastian’s Café Management to discuss the services you would like for the lowest possible cost.

Catering and Alcohol Policy

Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health has a contractual agreement with Harvard Dining/Sebastian’s Café that designates them as the exclusive caterers for all in-house functions. Sebastian’s has the right of first refusal, and so must be contacted, for any event that is catered at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

The serving of alcoholic beverages follows the same as above stated guideline. Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health holds a beer and wine license, which we apply for each year through the City of Boston. For any event where beer and wine are offered, Sebastian’s catering must be engaged as they are the exclusive provider of all alcoholic beverages.

Your cooperation and compliance in following the above policy is greatly appreciated.

Bulletin board guidelines

Bulletin boards are located throughout the School, and are used by community members to announce events, convey academic information, and share opportunities.

Bulletin boards labeled with Harvard Chan departments, centers, or offices are for the exclusive use of those units.

Unlabeled bulletin boards can be used for general information in accordance with the following guidelines:
Postings must promote Harvard Chan School or Harvard University-affiliated events or courses, or School-related opportunities or information.

For more information on Bulletin board guidelines, please click the following Office of Communications link: https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/communications/bulletin-board-guidelines/

Locker Policy

Lockers are the property of the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.  Staff lockers are assigned to staff as needed and available. Locks will be provided by the school.  Only school issued locks are allowed.

Please note that staff are responsible for cleaning out their lockers by their last day of work at SPH, after which any remaining contents will be removed and discarded. Lockers should be used for storing books, bags and other personal items. Please do not store perishable food, or expensive personal items. The School reserves the right to search the lockers if a concern for safety arises.

If the lock is changed or any lock is used that is not registered with the School, we reserve the right to confiscate the lock and discard the locker contents.

Policy on Pets and Animals

The Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health recognizes the important role of pets in the lives of some employees and students.  However, in keeping with maintaining a safe and healthful work environment for all staff and learning environment for students, we do not permit pets in any of our buildings, including all leased office space.  For the purposes of this policy, pets include dogs, cats, fish, amphibians, reptiles, insects, birds, etc.  Please note:  In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, exceptions to this policy may be made for a service animal trained to assist an individual with a disability. Demonstration animals used by faculty members for teaching purposes may also be exempt.

If you need clarification about the parameters of this policy, please contact the Harvard University Disability Resources team.  Please note the following link to their website https://accessibility.harvard.edu/.  Also, please note their contact information below:

Address: Richard A. and Susan F. Smith Campus Center, Suite 662, Cambridge, MA 02138
Phone: 617-495-1859
TTY: 617-496-0466
Fax: 617-495-8520
Email address: disabilityresources@harvard.edu