WiFi Security for Old Operating Systems

As of January 10, 2022, the following changes will be made to secure Wi-Fi (“Harvard Secure” and “eduroam”) to maintain compliance with the Harvard Information Security Policy.

Systems running versions of Windows prior to 8.1 will be prevented from on-boarding to “Harvard Secure” and “eduroam” as they are no longer supported by Microsoft.  This change will only impact new devices attempting to on-board via SecureW2 and will not impact devices that previously on-boarded to those networks.  In the future HUIT plans to take similar steps to prevent unsupported versions of MacOS from on-boarding.

Please contact our IT Helpdesk at (617) 432-4357 or email helpdesk@hsph.harvard.edu for any questions or concerns you may have regarding this information.

Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
Department of Information Technology