Harvard Chan Microbiome Center Holds 6th Annual Symposium: The Microbiome and Cancer

The Harvard Chan Microbiome in Public Health (HCMPH) Center was delighted to host their sixth annual symposium on May 13th! This year the event was run in tandem with a partner Dana-Farber / … Continue reading “Harvard Chan Microbiome Center Holds 6th Annual Symposium: The Microbiome and Cancer”

Upcoming Dissertation Defenses


Upcoming Thesis Defenses

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Online introductory R courses for environmental health data science skills

Dr. Ava Hoffman at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center is leading an NIEHS R25 grant program entitled Data Science for Environmental Health (DaSEH). DaSEH is a short course that combines online … Continue reading “Online introductory R courses for environmental health data science skills”

BDIG Mental Health Working Group Office Hours

The Biostatistics Diversity and Inclusion Group is partnering with the Mental Health Working Group to provide some upcoming Office Hours in May. Please feel free to stop by if you … Continue reading “BDIG Mental Health Working Group Office Hours”

Career Development Series / BDIG Alumni Panel – 4/26

You are invited to a virtual Alumni Panel jointly hosted by the Career Development Series and BDIG (Biostatistics Diversity and Inclusion Group)! The panel will take place virtually on Friday, … Continue reading “Career Development Series / BDIG Alumni Panel – 4/26”

Save the Dates! Career Development Series Upcoming Events with Matt Wand – 5/6-17

Professor Matt Wand, Distinguished Professor of Statistics in the Statistics and Data Science Group at the University of Technology Sydney, Australia, will be visiting the Department of Biostatistics from May … Continue reading “Save the Dates! Career Development Series Upcoming Events with Matt Wand – 5/6-17”

Genomics Training Grant Annual Retreat

This past week, students on the Genomics Training Grant attended their annual retreat in the far-off land of conference room 426, where 12 students from all years of the program … Continue reading “Genomics Training Grant Annual Retreat”