Better work-life balance can contribute to better sleep

Harvard Pop Center faculty member Orfeu Buxton was quoted in this Boston Globe article and in this article in Entrepreneur on the role that a healthy work-life balance can have on people’s sleep. Buxton, along with Pop Center Director Lisa Berkman and other Work, Family & Health Network researchers, recently published their findings in the journal Sleep Health.

Reducing Work-Family Conflict in Workplace Helps Improve Sleep

A study by a team of researchers from the Work, Family & Health Network, including Harvard Pop Center Director Lisa Berkman and faculty member Orfeu Buxton, has found that an intervention designed to reduce conflict between work and family responsibilities has also been found to be effective at improving sleep. The study is published in the inaugural issue of Sleep Health, the journal of the National Sleep Foundation, and has…

To help kids get more sleep & feel better rested, researchers suggest limiting access to screens (small & big) in bedrooms

Steven Gortmaker, PhD, and Elsie M. Taveras, MD, MPH, have published a study in Pediatrics that found that kids who slept in rooms that had devices with electronic screens (smartphones, TV, etc.)  slept for shorter durations and were more likely to report that they received insufficient rest.