Kresge Building, G4
677 Huntington Avenue
Boston, MA 02115
Tel: 617-432-1032
Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 10 a.m.–3 p.m. Eastern time
Joann Wilson-Singleton, Registrar
Steve Bearden, Senior Associate Registrar
Michelle Flewelling, Senior Associate Registrar for Systems and Project Management
Katie Greiner, Assistant Registrar
Katie Schiepers, Special Programs Manager
Crystel Feliciano, Masters Student and Cross-Registration Coordinator
Donna McLean, Senior Billing and Credentials Coordinator
Samantha Michel, Course Management Coordinator
Prabhat Raut, Enrollment Systems and Reporting Specialist
Nate Smith, Registrar’s Office Liaison
TBD, Masters and Guest Student Coordinator
The Registrar’s Office manages student enrollment, maintains student records and grades, monitors students’ compliance with degree requirements, certifies enrollment, assesses tuition, and schedules courses