It is the expectation of the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health that its students, whether or not they are on campus or are currently enrolled as degree candidates, will behave in a mature and responsible manner, in accordance with our standards of personal and professional conduct and accountability. In doing so, students create a strong culture of learning and demonstrate the core values that effective public health professionals instill in their work and uphold in their daily lives. This expectation for mature and responsible conduct also encompasses accountability for one’s own well-being, including responsible decision-making regarding physical and mental health. Further, the Harvard Chan School expects every student to be familiar with the regulations governing membership in the Harvard community set forth in this Handbook.
All Harvard Chan School students are expected to adhere to these overarching values:
- Respect for the rights, differences, and dignity of others
- Honest and ethical preparation and submission of all academic work
- Honesty and integrity in dealing with all members of the community
- Accountability for personal and professional behavior
Specific examples of ways in which students demonstrate these values include but are not limited to:
- Regular and timely attendance and participation in all courses, programs, and other required activities
- Respectful, attentive behavior within and outside courses
- Appropriate conduct, judgment, and tact in all personal and professional situations
- Effective and timely communication with all members of the Harvard community
- Appropriate judgement in responding to unethical, unprofessional or dangerous behavior on the part of others
- Respectful behavior regarding the privacy of all members of the Harvard community
- Maintenance of appropriate boundaries when dealing with others at the Harvard Chan School.
In addition, students may not:
- Provide false information to School or University officials
- Disrupt or obstruct teaching, research or other University or School activities
- Remove or misuse library books, computer networks or other University or School property
- Threaten or use force against others
- Harass, coerce or engage in other conduct that threatens the health or safety of any person (including without limitation sexual or gender-based harassment and threats involving deadly weapons, explosives, bombs, chemical or biological agents, or other deadly devices)
- Discriminate against others on the basis of race, color, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, creed, national origin, age, ancestry, veteran status, disability, or any other legally protected basis
- Engage in theft of or damage to property; hazing; or other infractions of University or School regulations
- Violate any city, state, and federal laws that reflect upon the person’s suitability to be a health professional
- Engage in any other illegal, unethical, or inappropriate behavior
Because students are expected to show good judgment and use common sense at all times, not all kinds of misconduct or behavioral standards are codified here.
Students are expected to comply with the School’s standards for conduct from matriculation until the conferring of the degree. A degree will not be granted to a student who is not in good standing or against whom a disciplinary charge is pending.